Saturday, March 19, 2005

Paranoid Polaroid.... of mine

St Paul in Tate Modern's Canteen

@TATE modern gallery,London2002

Be careful not to confuse
REflection with REality...


@TATE modern gallery,London2002

No worries, you can pee forever...

Friday, March 18, 2005

Warhol's jelly bean bullets on my wall....

Posted by Hello

Imagine if... in your every single BLINK you could change the scenery....
Then ask yourself... "How long would you like to change it for??"

On a square box which you are now staring at it...

How would it show you all colours if there are 256 numbers in PhotoShop & letters RGB&CMYK?

How would it take you to all places you wish for even you could get all information of those places?

How would you say that you have seen the place if you couldn't feel the temperature changed??

Oh.....Perhaps,you would.....

Because it would take you......

Take you right there......right into the 2D world!!!

Are you ready to change the temperature and see something else which is not squeezing your sight in a square shape like this??

Well,I bet you are!!! There you go!!!

Shut this down, move your arse...

And let's go FOR A CHANGE OF SCENE!!!

These are the last shots from both of my films which were selected
to be screened as part of the First Frame Festival3 22-23Jan2005
@ Alliance Francaise, Bangkok

3Doughnuts Fever ,4mins

2 women , 2 generations
Different Position, Situation and Culture.....

And... some different things they are crazy about
But... totally different way they try to reach their own "HAPPINESS"

Director / Screenplay Writer: Myself!! :)
Cinematographer: Christopher CF Chow
Editor(s): Myself & Christopher CF Chow
Producer: Andrew Kong
Music by: "M.A.C.K"
Thx Nong Oil so much to be my Actress, my little psycho young lady :)

nong Oil as a main character in 3Doughnuts Fever

Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

How to Fly a Kite...... ,3mins

When you try to fly it higher.....
The wind is indeed stronger .....
Then you do not know why....


Shouldn't it be above the clouds,

How could it be now
on the ground???

The relationship between Mother & Son
The metaphor for the way how to fly a KITE...

Director: Hideko Saito
Screenplay Writer: Myself!! :)
Cinematographer: Jinal Shah
Editor(s): Hideko Saito & Craig Moran
Producer: Craig Moran

The ordinary thing is beLIEve in YOURSELF

There s a LIE in beLIEve as There s ME in ordiNANAry